Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Reluctantly Green!

I know we have been MIA recently, but I hope you all had a great holiday season. I would like to make a few resolutions for our family this year.

1) Meal Plan
Meal planning is a great way to save money and prevent waste. Typically we go to the grocery store, fill up our cart, and then come home and figure out what to make. It usually involves running back to the store to buy more ingredients, then leaving unused items in the refrigerator to go bad before we can use them. This year, we will try to sit down together once a week, plan our meals, and make a grocery list accordingly. Hopefully this will reduce our waste and our food budget.

2) Be Active
As a family, especially in the winter, we tend to all do our own thing that usually involves sitting around and watching TV or playing video games. This year, I would like us to do something active as a family at least once or twice a week. It's important for me to set a good example for my kids, and my current sedentary lifestyle is not really doing that! Personally, I plan to try to get into an exercise routine by working out 3 days a week.

I think two goals is manageable for our family. My son loves to cook, so I think letting him be involved in making dinner and planning family activities will be a great way to teach him how to live a healthy lifestyle (one that doesn't involve crash dieting and crazy work-outs to lose weight!).

Wishing you a happy, healthy new year!